Christianity isn't Cruel
How Christianity got confused, and what I'm doing now to ground myself in the practice of Christ's love.
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Why this site now, and how does it work?
A Stone of Hope
Today, I hew out a stone of hope.
What We Inherit
Facing history - in Vienna and in my own family.
Church and State in Europe
In Europe, church and state function differently.
A Canterbury Journey
Each year, St. Augustine's feast day is celebrated in Canterbury. This year, I was there.
From one small seed
My (short) Plainsong Farm story... as originally told on the Episcopal Church Foundation blog.
We are still writing history.
The story you live today will be history someday. What kind of history will it be?
Thinking About Reopening Church – In the Age of Coronavirus
Hyper-local decision-making made public.
Keep Prayerbook Revision Weird
The Episcopal Church starts the process of prayerbook revision.