I am a Christian – so I am a resident alien.
Jesus Christ didn’t come to found a country or bless a government.
This is for everyone horrified this morning.
Published the morning after Donald Trump was elected in 2016.
After a week from hell: the Good Samaritan
A homily preached the week that Philando Castile was killed by police.
The Roots of the Christian Food Movement
Baptized with the Soil: a book worth reading.
Practicing faith at home (with kids)? Here’s the backstory on Grow Christians.
Introducing a new website
Farm Church: where God is doing “an old new thing”
Have you ever prayed and wondered how God is going to renew the church in America?
I know I have.
My Galilee: What I Haven’t Been Telling You
“Where is Galilee for you?” Acts 8 asked. [2025 update: this is a reference to a homily from then-Presiding Bishop
A Resurrection Sighting: Sustainable Ministries
I’ve been on the road, more or less, since the beginning of June. I have not been awesome at
Evangelism: For the Gospel’s Sake
Once upon a time I was an unchurched kid. I went to church a total of one time between birth
Creation Care at General Convention: Food, Fossil Fuel & Climate Change
I have a confession to make. It’s kind of embarrassing.
This blog, at least in theory, focuses on choosing