Resurrection Matters Book
Published in 2018, Resurrection Matters explains the backstory that led up to Plainsong Farm.
Is it an origin story? Not exactly. Is it a memoir? Also no.
In 2018, in response to a request from Church Publishing, Nurya gathered up what she understood about the road she was walking and turned it into this short volume.
At the time, there was little actionable advice for starting a farm-based ministry. There was also barely any information about how to start a new Episcopal Church entity. For those who are called to do either, this book has breadcrumbs of usable detail.
But mostly, this book was written for people who simply want to be faithful disciples. People who want to walk in the way that God is calling them, here and now, and by doing so, contribute to the healing of God's world. People like you.
Read an excerpt…
Church Publishing Inc. has an except from Resurrection Matters on their site.
When the book was published, here's what people said...
“Nurya Love Parish has emerged as a leader in the Christian Food Movement, drawing together pastors, farmers, laypeople, activists, gardeners, students, and scholars. In this book we learn about her personal journey, and her thinking about why a food movement matters for Christian faith. Resurrection Matters is a timely book that informs and inspires. It helps us see that growing and sharing food are not tangential to faith, but go to its core.”
––Dr. Norman Wirzba, Professor of Theology and Ecology, Duke Divinity School
“We in the church like to talk about resurrection, but Nurya Love Parish has been practicing it. Now, with Resurrection Matters, she shows us how to breathe in the Spirit and find new life for our declining church and endangered earth. We would all do well to listen to her witness.”
––The Rev. Ragan Sutterfield, author of Wendell Berry and the Given Life
“In Resurrection Matters, Nurya asks us to consider if perhaps the deaths we grieve today might actually be a necessary step in the process of resurrection; and if perhaps the flourishing of the Church works hand-in-hand with the flourishing of creation. This book reminds us that though our churches have a lot of difficult work to do, God is at work guiding us into both ecclesial and ecological renewal if only we have eyes to see and the humility to take part.”
––Kendall Vanderslice, head baker at Simple Church (dinner church) and an explorer of the intersection of food, faith, and culture
“Nurya brings fresh insight, wisdom, and an honest view of the church’s relationship with God’s creation. With personal narrative and reflections woven into this deeply engaging, readable book, Nurya offers a hopeful vision for both the church and all who care about the earth.”
––The Rev. Stephanie M. Johnson, co-chair of The Episcopal Church’s Advisory Council on the Stewardship of Creation and co-author of A Life of Grace for the Whole World
“As we strive to live out our baptismal vows and answer our call to be good stewards of all God’s creation, Resurrection Matters: Church Renewal for Creation’s Sake will aid and abet. Nurya draws from a wide experience as priest and agrarian evangelist with theological insight and practical ideas.”
––Brian Sellers-Petersen, author of Harvesting Abundance: Local Initiatives of Food and Faith
“If we take to heart Nurya’s experience with Plainsong Farm we will be in the position to make our own leaps of faith and become part of a new flowering of God’s Church, a new season of relating to God’s Creation in a sustainable way. I recommend Resurrection Matters: Church Renewal for Creation’s Sake to you with enthusiasm.”
––The Rt. Rev. Marc Handley Andrus, Eighth Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of California