1 min read

Lent at Home

Lent has begun. Our family and some in our congregation are experimenting with “Lent in a Bag,” a resource inspired by a posting on the National Association of Episcopal Christian Education Directors e-list (recently renamed forma). At the beginning of last week, I gathered Lenten symbols and wrote very short guide for reflection. (You can upload it by clicking here.)

On Ash Wednesday morning, I put out ashes, the symbol for the week of Ash Wednesday, in the middle of the dining room table:

I was out of town for the first Sunday of Lent, but my husband put out the next symbol, a candle, and lit it.  My children even reported that they talked about the questions in the devotional guide.  And when I came home, they wanted to light the candle again… which we will do every day until Saturday, wondering how this season might shed light into our lives.

How are you observing Lent this year?