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Quick Update from eFormation 2014

Quick Update from eFormation 2014

The back end of the blog shows that more than 400 people read the Radical Thoughts post since it was published on Sunday afternoon. For this blog, that’s a big number – especially since I just realized this morning that I forgot to push it through my regular networks for these questions (the Acts 8 Moment page and the Forma group list-serv.)

However, I’m honored that other people pushed it for me. It showed up as the Lead on Episcopal Cafe and was promoted by the Center for the Ministry of Teaching at Virginia Theological Seminary. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a tweet quite like this!

The two ideas I proposed seem to be gaining some traction. The first one – online networks of parents sharing faith practices – seems to have more traction than the second right now, which is convenient because I have a much better idea of how to move forward on it. (Perhaps that’s why it’s getting traction?)

Most interesting to me is the complete lack of negative comment, either in person or online, about the radical thoughts I shared. I did have some trepidation about putting this out there, and I very much appreciate the positive tone so far. But if anybody wants to push back, I’m open to it!

Considering that I am having these radical thoughts, I’m so glad I made the time to attend the eFormation conference. This gathering is full of people who are comfortable with Christian discipleship and online technology, both within and beyond the Episcopal Church. The conference is still available to those who aren’t here in multiple ways. I have no affiliation with Virginia Theological Seminary or the eFormation conference; I’m just a fan who wants to share.

I have another question for you today.

Do you think an entirely new site needs to be created for bloggers to share faith practices in the home,

or do you think it would work simply to link and coordinate people that are already doing this work?

(I’m especially interested in your answer if you’re already blogging about these topics or know someone who is!)

Back with you soon!