1 min read

Slight Delay

2025 Update

The post below was part of the beginning of Plainsong Farm, but I didn't know that and I definitely wasn't ready to say so on the internet. I wrote it to update my blog readers that I was behind on a series I was writing. But the deeper truth is that I had started that garden and ordered those chickens thinking that maybe, I was ready to begin this ministry. Not long after I posted this, I was on my knees confessing to God that I couldn't start the farm after all. It turned out that I was both right and wrong... but that's a different story.

Original 2014 post

There’s a slight delay for the Next America series. This week, there was some sod that needed to be removed so we could get a garden in this year…

Sod removal

And then there were the 25 newcomers that took up residence… two of whom are receiving physical therapy (from yours truly) for spraddle leg… (pray it works please!)


Also, did I mention that my daughter got a new rabbit and we have human guests from out of town…? All of which means that though I have read the chapter, I haven’t found time to write the post.

We’ll get back on schedule next week!