church work

church work

telling stories, sharing facts, and building the Episcopal Church's future
I said what our diocese most needed. Then I realized: nobody knew what I meant.

I said what our diocese most needed. Then I realized: nobody knew what I meant.

Every spring in our diocese, we have Leadership Days - a time to come together for workshops and learning. This
5 min read
How should the church work?

How should the church work?

This post is a response to the Acts 8 Moment Blogforce Question: What is the mission of the (Domestic and
4 min read
More on Mission, Subsidiarity, and Diocesan Operating Budgets

More on Mission, Subsidiarity, and Diocesan Operating Budgets

This all got started because I was lobbying the Episcopal Church to fund creation care ministries. Commenters asked me, “What
2 min read
Subsidiarity isn’t simple. This data proves it.

Subsidiarity isn’t simple. This data proves it.

It was quite a week on the blog! My post supporting a plan to add more funding for creation care
2 min read
One Thing All Episcopalians Must Consider By January 7th

One Thing All Episcopalians Must Consider By January 7th

The Episcopal Church’s budget is organized around the Anglican Communion’s 5 Marks of Mission. When I scanned the
3 min read
Thank you, TREC. Church, let’s get to work.

Thank you, TREC. Church, let’s get to work.

The final report of the Task Force to Reimagine the Episcopal Church lays a foundation for the strategic thought and
3 min read

Episcopalians, Here’s Your TREC Report Summary

This week in the Episcopal blogosphere, many posts are being written in response to the TREC report. I’m probably
4 min read
Faith/Farm/Food Network Begins to Hatch

Faith/Farm/Food Network Begins to Hatch

When a chick is ready to enter the world, the first thing it has to do is break the shell
4 min read

A Million Dollars + The Internet = Episcopal Renewal

This post is a response to the latest Acts 8 Moment BLOGFORCE challenge: “If you had a million dollars to
9 min read
Two Steps toward Denominational Renewal – An Open Letter to TREC

Two Steps toward Denominational Renewal – An Open Letter to TREC

This post has a backstory. In response to the recent Letter from TREC, I wrote a post in response to
3 min read